Please help the West Valley United Methodist Church Food Pantry by donating food.
The food pantry is in need of the following items:
- Peanut Butter
- Fruit Jams
- Cereal boxes, hot and cold
- Dry packaged vegetable mix, (beans, corns, carrots, etc.)
- Canned Fruit
- Canned Tomatoes
- Canned green beans and other canned vegetables
- Tomato sauce or paste
- Cans of spaghetti or pizza sauce
- Dry boxes of pasta
- Dry packaged rice
- Dry Milk
- Flour
- Sugar
- Baking powder
- Liquid cooking oil
- Baking soda
We will be collecting food from now, until the end of April. You can bring the items to the Relief Society Room. Thank you for your kindness!
The kids and I will pack up some food this week and bring it Sunday.