The purpose of Relief Society is to help prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement. To strengthen individuals, families, and homes through ordinances and covenants. To work in unity to help those in need.

This blog was created for the Woodland Hills Ward Relief Society sisters. It's purpose is to share information, unite and help each sister grow closer to Jesus Christ. This is not an official site of the LDS Church, and the opinions and statements are not representative of the church as a whole.

Friday, April 29, 2011

New Book Club Selection and Mormon Helping Hands Reminder

Book Club Selection
The voting poll has closed and the new book selection is The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton.  

Mormon Helping Hands
Saturday, April 30 - 9am-12pm (check in at 8:30am)
United Cerebral Palsy Spastic Children's Foundation
11051 Old Susana Pass Rd., Chatsworth, CA 91311
Painting, weeding, gutter cleaning, ditch digging, and sweeping
Picnic lunch provided

Friday, April 22, 2011

Book Club: Vote For New Selection

Book Club last night was a lot of fun with some great discussion.  I know many of you read the book and wanted to attend but couldn't for various reasons.  We hope you can make it next month.  It is time to vote for a new book.  Click on the books below to see a synopsis and vote for your favorite on the poll to the right of this post.  Note: poll closes Monday night.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Reminder and Upcoming Events

Book Club
Thursday, April 21 - 7pm
Book: The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Location: Caroline Viernes' home - 5077 Topanga Canyon
Come enjoy good company, good conversation, and yummy treats!  All are welcome, even if you haven't finished the book.  Bring ideas for our next book selection.

Primary Easter Party
Saturday, April 23 - 10am sharp (if you want any easter eggs)
All primary children and their families are invited to an easter egg hunt this Saturday at the ward building.  Please bring a brunch item to share.

Mormon Helping Hands
Saturday, April 30 - 9am-12pm (check in at 8:30am)
United Cerebral Palsy Spastic Children's Foundation
11051 Old Santa Susana Pass Rd., Chatsworth, CA 91311.
Painting, weeding, water sealing fences, cleaning gutters, and digging a 20-30 foot trench.
Picnic lunch provided.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Emergency Prep Video, Club, and More

Emergency Preparedness Class
If you missed the very motivating and informative Emergency Preparedness Class or any part of it, Debbie Kent (the speaker) has videos of many of her classes on her website. Here is the link to the class she presented to us - Building Your Ark Class Video. The video is about 1 hour. I also have more copies of the handouts if anyone is interested - I can send them to you or give them to you on Sunday.

Mark Van Slooten has access to free 55 gallon water barrels if anyone is interested. He can get 1 or 2 each week. In some cases they don't have the small plug in the lid so you may have to order those separate. Let me know if you would like one.

Emergency Prep Club
A few of us were talking about starting an Emergency Prep Club to help keep us motivated and not so overwhelmed as we build our food storage and gather preparedness materials. The club would meet once a month - we would set individual goals for each month and report back to each other. Some activities may include - watching Debbie Kent's class videos and learning new skills like dehydrating food, canning, gardening, solar cooking, cooking with food storage(recipes), water filtration and storage, making bread, etc.; field trips to Bishop's storehouse for canning; assigning and reporting food storage research topics and best priced items; canning, assembling and sharing food storage recipes; and much more. If you are interested please leave a comment or sign up on Sunday.

Sister in need of a room for rent
Hannah Barlow - a sister from the Reseda Ward - needs a room to rent in Woodland Hills beginning May 1st.  She works long hours taking care of an elderly person in the area and would like to find a place to rent close to work.  Please let me know if you have a room to rent or are aware of any such opportunity.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Emergency Preparedness
With Debbie Kent
Come get motivated, learn something new,
and get some great resources

Wednesday, April 6th-7pm
(Munch ‘n Mingle potluck @6:30pm)
babysitting provided

Woodland Hills Ward Bldg:4501 Deseret Dr.

About the Speaker:
Debbie Kent lives in the Southern California.  She has been married for 30 years.  She and her husband are the proud parents of 6 beautiful children, and grandparents of 3.  She has been an advocate of food storage and emergency preparedness since her early teen age years.  She enjoys giving emergency preparedness lessons each month at her church.  Much of the resources found on  her website are the culmination of hours of preparation for these lessons.