The purpose of Relief Society is to help prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement. To strengthen individuals, families, and homes through ordinances and covenants. To work in unity to help those in need.

This blog was created for the Woodland Hills Ward Relief Society sisters. It's purpose is to share information, unite and help each sister grow closer to Jesus Christ. This is not an official site of the LDS Church, and the opinions and statements are not representative of the church as a whole.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Stake Message: August 30, 2020


Dear members of the Canoga Park Stake,

This week’s message is a conference talk from Elder Richard Scott selected for us by President Grasteit. Following the talk is a beautiful musical performance by The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square.

View the video at

We have received information regarding the upcoming General Conference of the church to be held on October 3 and 4. In addition to general sessions being broadcast a 9am and 1pm on both days, all women and young women, ages 11 and older, are invited to participate in the women's session, which will be broadcast on Saturday, October 3 at 5pm. Mark your calendar now.

We hope that you received the information about the ability to add names to the temple prayer roles by visiting or through the Temples section of the Member Tools app. If the temple you select is closed, the names will be sent to the nearest operating temple.  What a wonderful and practical use of technology. 

Faithfully yours,

Canoga Park Stake Presidency

     Ben Grasteit, David Benning, Mike Payne

Monday, August 24, 2020

Stake Message: Sunday, August 23, 2020


Dear members of the Canoga Park Stake,

For this week’s message we have two talks that were given by youth at the April 2020 general conference. Following the talks, we have spliced in a music video entitled Love at Home. We hope you enjoy them. 

View the video at

Faithfully yours,

Your Canoga Park Stake Presidency

     Ben Grasteit, David Benning, Mike Payne



Sunday, August 16, 2020

Stake Message: Sunday, August 16, 2020


Dear members of the Canoga Park Stake,

The last five months have been a unique experience. We have all been spending a great deal of these months in our homes. In addition to the intended outcome of keeping us isolated from a health hazard, the “safer at home” instructions have also given us an excellent opportunity to shelter from many of the other woes of life too. Stories have been told by many about the personal growth they have experienced during the pandemic. For example, Elder Jeffrey Holland recently said, “I hope when things go back to normal — whatever normal is going to be — that I don’t forget the feelings and experiences I’ve had during these months of reflection and solitude.”

What is your story of this period of your life?  How have you changed?  How have you grown?  Have you had experiences and feelings that you hope you will not forget? We promise you that those types of experiences are waiting for you.

Don’t allow yourself to be continuously overwhelmed by politics, the economy, civil and geologic commotion, fires in the hills, the pandemic, and other worldly concerns. These things are important and should be thought about-- even worked on. But we encourage you: do not miss the opportunity to occasionally shut off all sources of secular news, and the accompanying commentary/noise.

Our prophet has specifically encouraged us to hear the voice of God the Father, and of His Son, Jesus Christ this year. We believe today’s stake message will help to inspire you to find ways to do so.

View the video at

Faithfully yours,

Canoga Park Stake Presidency

     Ben Grasteit, David Benning, Mike Payne

The Source on the Elder Holland quote is )

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Stake Message; August 9, 2020

Dear members of the Canoga Park Stake,

We are pleased to tell you that sister Alma Bailey has prepared the stake message for today.  Sister Bailey served at the stake Relief Society in the past and is currently serving in a calling with the church Los Angeles public affairs council.  You’re going to be inspired by her message.  View the video at

Our stake participates with other churches and groups in the valley in the “Interfaith Solidarity Network.”  At the end of the month the ISN will host a virtual forum entitled “Why is your faith passionate about social justice?” If you are interested in the topic, see the attached flyer and register to obtain the zoom meeting details. (President Benning will be one of the panelists.)

Thank you for welcoming us into your ward virtual meetings. Sometimes we cannot stay in the meeting the entire time as we try to “visit” a few wards each week.  But we really feel that we are getting to know all of you better through these virtual gatherings.  We have amazing teachers in the stake, and comments from all participants are inspiring. Not every ward is holding meetings every week. But if you are somehow not receiving any email invitations to the virtual meetings for your ward, check your spam filter, and/or just reply to this message and we will get you connected with your ward to make sure you have access to the meeting details. 

With love and best wishes,

Canoga Park Stake Presidency

     Ben Grasteit, David Benning, Mike Payne

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Stake Message; August 2, 2020

Good morning my dear sisters and brothers,

Let me begin by saying how much I miss the saints of the New Canoga Park Stake. I realize that there are many from the north and east sides of the stake that I have yet to meet... boy do I long for those introductions. I likewise long to resume the fellowship with those that I have come to know and love over the past several years. Until then brother and sisters, let us continue to minister and love those around us. 
First, let us minister to ourselves. As we live the principles of the Big 3, which are: Daily personal and family prayer, daily personal and family scripture study and weekly family home evening, we will qualify for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. 

I testify that the Holy Ghost leads and directs us in things both temporal and spiritual. Let us claim this grand gift through our diligence in the simple things. 
Second, let us minister to our families (immediate and ward family). This time of quarantine presents an amazing opportunity to deepen family ties. I realize that the quantity of time we are spending together has increased but has the quality of that time increased too? Are we serving each other at home? This is an area I will be working on in my family. Quantity is good, quality is best! 
Third, let us minister to others. Social distancing makes this step a bit more complicated, however, there are still many ways to serve others. Family history comes to mind, uplifting and inspiring phone calls, text messages and emails can be sent to friends and neighbors. Be creative and always use good judgement in how you minister to others but keep ministering. 

Ministering nourishes the soul of both the minister and the ministeree
On to this week's message...Today's message comes from Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. Elder Andersen will forever hold a special place in my heart. On December 14, 2014, he set me apart as stake president of the Canoga Park stake. Since that day, I have always paid close attention to all his addresses. Today's address was given in October 2008, while he was serving in the Presidency of the Seventy. Following his remarks will be a short, touching video on the faith of a child. Enjoy!
Here is the video link:

President Grasteit