The purpose of Relief Society is to help prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement. To strengthen individuals, families, and homes through ordinances and covenants. To work in unity to help those in need.

This blog was created for the Woodland Hills Ward Relief Society sisters. It's purpose is to share information, unite and help each sister grow closer to Jesus Christ. This is not an official site of the LDS Church, and the opinions and statements are not representative of the church as a whole.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Stake Message: Sept. 27, 2020


Dear Canoga Park Stake,

Next weekend is the 190th Semiannual General Conference of The Church. It will be another conference specially adapted to these times of pandemic. The broadcast times are the same as usual, with a 9 a.m. session and a 1 p.m. session on both Saturday and Sunday. A women’s session for all women and young women ages 11 and older will be Saturday evening at 5 p.m. (all listed here as pacific time zone)

We know this will be a special conference and that each of you will be able to have meaningful and memorable experiences if you prepare.  To that end, our stake message for today is intended to inspire and motivate you as you prepare this week.  The video message can be viewed at

We also remind you that today, September 27 is a special opportunity to unite with everyone in The North America West Area of The Church in a special day of fasting and prayer. Please view the details here. If you did not receive this this announcement in time to participate on the 27th, feel free to plan for a personal period of fasting sometime this week.

We also remind you about the opportunity to participate in a meaningful community project over the next several weeks. The project consists in creating simple cards to encourage those in our community who are facing difficult changings at this time. The project description and instructions can be found at here

One more bit of information that may be of interest to all members of the Canoga Park Stake – today a special meeting of the Encino and Tarzana wards will be taking place to combine these two wards into single ward named Tarzana Ward. You can read the announcement that was sent to those wards here

We think about you often and are pained when we hear of your difficult changes, suffering, and struggles. But countering that pain is the feelings of joy we feel as we hear about your successes and of the wonderful things happening in your lives. We know that each of you are loved by your Heavenly Father, and by His Son, Jesus Christ. 

Wishing you the best,

Your Canoga Park Stake Presidency


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Stake Message: Sept. 20, 2020


Special message from President Grasteit…

Dear faithful members of the New Canoga Park Stake,

Oh, how I long for the day when we can return to our ward buildings to worship together and in person. I miss the fellowship and strength I receive from rubbing shoulders with such amazing and devoted saints. 

Until that day, I plead with all the energy of my soul that we be consistent in the little things that connect us to God and His son Jesus Christ. Again, I speak of the Big 3: 

  1. Daily personal and family prayer

  2. Daily personal and family scripture study 

  3. Weekly Family Home Evening

I fear that if we fail to maintain and strengthen our relationship with the Divine during this unprecedented time, we will be more venerable to the whims of the world and the temptations of the adversary.  

I testify that consistency in the seemingly small things of the Gospel will produce miracles and spiritual protection in the lives of those who are faithful and diligent in heeding the counsel. I know God lives. I know Jesus Christ is His holy son and that He stands at the head of this church. I know He directs this work and is mindful of each and every one of us. 


President Grasteit

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Our stake Sunday at home video message for today can be viewed at

The North America West Area of the church has requested that we join in a special day of fasting and prayer next Sunday, September 27. Please view the pdf attached for details or click   here

We also have a terrific opportunity to participate in a meaningful community project through September and October. Please see the project description and instructions in the attached message from the stake presidency, and our Just Serve specialist, Sister Giron. Or click here

You received this email because you made your email address available to your local Church leaders. It was sent by David Benning, whose calling is Stake Presidency

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Stake Message Sept. 6, 2020

 Dear members of the Canoga Park Stake,

Over ten years ago, President Uchtdorf gave a talk that has been named “Lift Where You Stand.” Your present circumstances are probably quite different than imagined ten years ago. We encourage you to give thoughtful consideration to both the physical and virtual locations where you currently “stand.” Your list might include home, work, text messages, voice and video calls, social media comments, and “zoom” meetings. Then ponder how effectively you lift in each of these places. Hopefully, we can recall with fondness some occasions where we effectively listened, taught, testified, loved, and served others. The Lord is working through you to accomplish His purposes as you do these things that lift others. Hopefully this pondering will also inspire us to see opportunities where we can do even better. Recognizing specific areas where you can do better, and being motivated to try, is the essence of lifting where you stand.

President Uchtdorf’s talk along with a music video can be viewed at  

We would like to let you know about a recent change in a stake calling. Brother Martin Furtak has served for the better part of ten years as our Stake Just Serve specialist. He was given this assignment soon after the launch of what was then a new website called As this website matured, it has become terrific resource for our community as a clearing house for finding service opportunities.  A couple of years ago brother Furtak was asked to take on expanded responsibilities to training and support all of the stakes in the Los Angeles in their Just Serve activities. We have extended a grateful release to Brother Furtak so he can focus on his multi-stake responsibilities and other volunteer activities. 

Sister Yanira Giron from the Encino ward has been called and accepted the assignment to serve as our new Stake Just Serve specialist.  We can all look forward to participating with Sister Giron in meaningful community service opportunities.  

Faithfully yours,

Canoga Park Stake Presidency

     Ben Grasteit, David Benning, Mike Payne