The purpose of Relief Society is to help prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement. To strengthen individuals, families, and homes through ordinances and covenants. To work in unity to help those in need.

This blog was created for the Woodland Hills Ward Relief Society sisters. It's purpose is to share information, unite and help each sister grow closer to Jesus Christ. This is not an official site of the LDS Church, and the opinions and statements are not representative of the church as a whole.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Stake Message: July 26, 2020

Dear members of the New Canoga Park Stake,

In case you have missed some of our previous Canoga Park Stake email messages and are wondering why you are receiving them, here’s why: there was a stake boundary reconfiguration earlier in the year and some wards that were previously in the Granada Hills stake are now in the Canoga Park Stake. This change transpired just a couple of weeks prior to the time the pandemic hit California. Even though we have not yet met in person as a full stake, we feel a new energy in the stake. We feel the strength, faith, and love of this entire “new” stake. We hope you feel it too. Each week since the safer at home order began, the stake has provided a video message to help stay in contact with the stake, and to provide a way for us all to get better acquainted with members of the stake. We hope these messages help to make your Sunday and the following week special. 
Brother Mark Deakins from the Northridge 1st ward is the speaker for our stake message today. (Yes, they recently moved and this is the same Deakins family that previously lived in the Encino ward)  

You can view the stake message at
This weekend should have been our first stake Pioneer Day for the newly configured stake. Due to the pandemic this year we’ll just need to plan to have a celebration twice as big next year!  In the meantime, you might enjoy music and messages from The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square. Recordings from the 2019 and 2018 Pioneer Day concerts can be found at

With fondest wishes for your health, safety, and peace,

The New Canoga Park Stake Presidency
     Ben Grasteit, David Benning, Mike Payne

Monday, July 20, 2020

Stake Message: July 19, 2020

Dear brothers and sisters of the New Canoga Park Stake,

We have selected this talk titled Faith Is Not by Chance, but by Choice by Elder Neil L. Andersen as today’s stake message.  

If you have been following along with the Come Follow Me curriculum over the past few weeks, perhaps you can identify with the plight of a group of people who were “cast out of their synagogues” and were in need of a boost to their faith. (Alma 33:2)  Alma and Amulek proceeded to teach these people about the importance of studying the scriptures and praying to grow their faith. Faith can always grow, regardless of our circumstances. But it does take effort. We encourage you follow Elder Andersen’s instruction to “be relentless in protecting your faith” and to “strengthen your faith, and live to be deserving of the Savior’s approving words...”

Faithfully yours,

The New Canoga Park Stake Presidency
 Ben Grasteit, David Benning, Mike Payne

Sunday, July 12, 2020

New Resources to help fulfill our callings

 New Resources to Help Us Fulfill Our Callings

Local stake and ward leaders should teach and support members as they carry out their duties and responsibilities. This video presentation can be used to instruct in normal times, as well as during periods of time when meetings and gatherings need to be adapted to fit local or world circumstances.
Leaders should review the overall presentation video and then determine which portions should be shared with various groups for teaching and training.

Stake Message: July 12, 2020

Dear brothers and sisters of the New Canoga Park Stake,

We have selected this message from President (then Elder) Russell M. Nelson as today’s stake message.

We request that you spend a few minutes looking at the Whether you are new to this site, or if it has been a while since you have explored the site, we encourage you to look around and see how many wonderful projects are underway in the Valley and in Los Angeles. It may comfort you to know that so many people care enough to organize and carry out these projects. If one of the projects listed feels like something you should be involved in, we encourage you to act on that feeling.

We love you, and pray for your health, safety, and happiness.

Faithfully yours,

The New Canoga Park Stake Presidency
     Ben Grasteit, David Benning, Mike Payne

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Stake Message: July 5, 2020

Dear brothers and sisters of the New Canoga Park Stake,

Happy Independence Day weekend! For most people, celebrations and family time together were a dramatic curtailment compared to years past. Some may have spent the 4th alone for the first time in their life. In many areas progress on resolving the pandemic is being made, but it remains a time for each of us to be focused on finding ways to lift he burdens of others. In spite of her flaws America and Americans have a long history of service to neighbor, and to country. There is so much that is good in this country, and so much potential to do even better. Every one of us can be a positive part of that future.

President Grasteit recorded a special message about caring, and ministering for us this weekend. The video can be viewed from

After the stake message, we invite you to listen to this inspiring and patriotic music from the musical group Gentri. Due to copyright limitations we could not splice it into the stake video. View and listen to it at
We think about you continuously and are deeply interested in your welfare. As far as we know, there have only been a few cases of COVID-19 in the stake and all have recovered. We invite all to join us in prayers of gratitude for this blessing, and also in continuing prayers on behalf of all who are ill, lonely, have lost jobs or suffered a reduction in income, and for a protective blessing over all who serve the sick and who search for a cure such as a vaccine.  
Faithfully yours,

The New Canoga Park Stake Presidency
     Ben Grasteit, David Benning, Mike Payne

P.S.  There will be another special virtual fireside of the Los Angeles mission tonight (Sunday, July 5) at 5pm. (see attached)  The event will be streamed as a Facebook Live event at

From the Relief Society
  1. If any of you know of a place to live in our Ward boundaries please reach out to the RS Presidency.  The Campbell’s are looking for a room or guest house to move back into our ward.
  2. Dianne Meyer is available to teach piano or cello and looking for a part-time job in the morning till about one or two in the afternoon. She is looking to take people to the store or take care of them. She is the daughter of Priscilla Taylor.
  3. Tarzana Ward is hosting a weekly gathering to study “Come Follow Me” together and they have invited Woodland Hills Ward to join them.  This is every Wednesday at 6 PM.  Please reach out to Britton to get added to their Zoom meeting email list.
  4. Sister Natalie Morris is expecting twins with a daughter Nadia who is almost 3.  She is looking for help with the newborns starting in mid-September for $20/hour.  The hours would be approx. 7 AM to 1 PM, but she is flexible and willing to talk about days and times.  Please reach out to her at 503-780-7912 if you would like to help or know of someone that would be available
  5. Shirley Maney will be in need of our prayers as she prepares and has surgery on July 14th 
  6. For those that would like to send cards and notes to Sister Kendrick, she is still in a rehab facility and in need of our prayers.  Please send those to her home address and Bro Kendrick will get them to her:  23314 Gonzales Dr, Woodland Hills, CA  91367
  7. Our ministering sister phone calls/texts are more important than ever, and President Grasteit would like us to make sure we ask if families are continuing the Big 3 (prayer, scripture study and Family Home Evening).  If they aren’t please challenge them to work on one for that particular month and check back with them the following month.  If anyone needs help with food, getting groceries or anything else please let the RS Presidency know.  Also, if anyone needs a blessing please contact the Bishop