The purpose of Relief Society is to help prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement. To strengthen individuals, families, and homes through ordinances and covenants. To work in unity to help those in need.

This blog was created for the Woodland Hills Ward Relief Society sisters. It's purpose is to share information, unite and help each sister grow closer to Jesus Christ. This is not an official site of the LDS Church, and the opinions and statements are not representative of the church as a whole.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

October Visiting Teaching Message

Enfolding with Love Those 
Who Stray

"The reality is that there is no perfect families...," said President Uchtdorf. "Whatever problems your family is facing, whatever you must do to solve them, the beginning and the end of solution is charity, the pure love of Christ."

Of those who are not participating fully in the gospel, Linda K. Burton, former General President of the Relief Society, said, "Heavenly Father loves all of His children... No matter where they are, on or off the path, He wants them back home."

President Joseph F. Smith taught, "However wayward [your children] might be, ... when you speak or talk to them, do it not in anger, do it not harshly, in a condemning spirit...Speak to them kindly."

May you and I receive revelation to know how to best approach those in our lives who are lost, and when necessary, to have the patience and love of our Father in Heaven and his Son Jesus Christ, as we love, watch, and wait for the prodigal.

President Eyring said, "I have prayed with faith that someone I loved would seek and feel the power of the Atonement. I have prayed with faith that human angels would come to their aid, and they came. God has devised means to save each of His children.