The purpose of Relief Society is to help prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement. To strengthen individuals, families, and homes through ordinances and covenants. To work in unity to help those in need.

This blog was created for the Woodland Hills Ward Relief Society sisters. It's purpose is to share information, unite and help each sister grow closer to Jesus Christ. This is not an official site of the LDS Church, and the opinions and statements are not representative of the church as a whole.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Lesson Recap: September 10, 2017

Continue in the Process of Learning

Chapter 17 in Teachings of the Presidents of the Church; Gordon B. Hinckley

"We must go on growing. We must continually learn. It is a divinely 
given mandate that we go on adding to our knowledge."

The Lord wants us to educate ourselves so we can progress individually and contribute to society:

We belong to a church that emphasizes the importance of education. We have a mandate from the Lord to educate our minds and our hearts and hands. The Lord said, "Teach ye diligently...of things both in heaven and on the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms that ye may be prepared in all things." (D&C 88:78-80).

We of this Church have been given a marvelous promise by the Lord. He said: "That which is of God is light, and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receieveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day." (D&C 50:24). These scriptures speak of growth and development, on the march that leads toward godhood. It goes hand in hand with these great declarations; "The glory of God is intelligence..." (D&C 93:36). "If a person gains more knowledge and intelligence in this life through his diligence and obedience than another, he will have so much the advantage in the world to come." (D&C 130:19).

With planning and self-discipline, parents can create an atmosphere of learning in their homes.

Emphasizing the importance of reading and providing books and a quiet place to read can encourage our children to engage in love of learning. The prophet has counseled us mothers to expose our children to books early, and to read to them daily. He has promised that, "Good reading can become a love affair, far more fruitful in long term effect than many other activities in which children use their time." He counseled parents to let our children be exposed to great minds, great ideas, everlasting truths, and those things which will building and motivate for good. He has told, "try to create within our homes an atmosphere of learning and the growth that will come of it."

The schooling of the spirit is as important, if not more so, than the schooling of the mind.

The glory of God is intelligence, but we should never let our secular education become more important than our spiritual education. Understanding of ourselves, of the purpose of life, of our relationship with God, who is our Father, of the great divinely given principles that for centuries have provided the sinew of man's real progress. As we pursue our secular studies, let us also add to our lives the cultivation of the Spirit. If we do so, God will bless us with that peace and those blessings which come from Him alone. Jesus said, "Learn of me. . . For my Yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Matt. 11:29-30). 

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