The purpose of Relief Society is to help prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement. To strengthen individuals, families, and homes through ordinances and covenants. To work in unity to help those in need.

This blog was created for the Woodland Hills Ward Relief Society sisters. It's purpose is to share information, unite and help each sister grow closer to Jesus Christ. This is not an official site of the LDS Church, and the opinions and statements are not representative of the church as a whole.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

April 26th Message from the Stake Presidency

April 26, 2020

Dear brother and sisters of the New Canoga Park Stake,

We hope this message finds you well and thriving as we press forward with faith during this unprecedented time. Our hope is that each of you will be able to identify a silver lining or two amid the chaos of COVID-19. We testify that silver linings abound for those who look with an eye of faith and for those who draw closer to the Savior through daily prayer and scriptures study and weekly family home evenings (Big 3). We need to recognize that these silver linings will be manifested in myriad ways. For some it will be the joy and happiness of spending more quality time as a family: family walks, bike rides, preparing meals together, puzzles, board games etc. For others it will be the peace that comes from knowing that you were remembered: thoughtful phone calls, text messages and grocery drop offs from your ministering brothers and sisters have instilled within your hearts a new level of gratitude and humility. And for others it may be the security that comes from being prepared both spiritually and financially for the tempests that will inevitably come. Having some savings, food, water and essentials set aside, ensures a sense of security and peace for those who were diligent in their preparations. 
We invite you to identify the personalized silver linings in your lives and share them with your friends and family. As we recognize and rejoice in these tender mercies of the Lord, our ability to hear His voice will improve and we will become the recipients of more frequent and powerful personal revelation. 
Our stake message this week comes from our Stake Young Men’s President, Neil Devor. Following the stake message, there is a brief clip from a classic message by Elder Dallin H. Oaks.

View the message at
Also, a member from our stake wrote a magnificent article highlighting the silver linings he and his wife have identified in their family during this unusual time. "Our first child was due to be born on March 20th. We’re not from around here, so our family had all planned to take turns visiting … Then we found out our hospital wasn’t going to allow any visitors. No friends, no family… The staff hurried us out of the hospital, and when we drove home the streets were deserted. The world never looked lonelier…"   See the attached photo and then read the full story at
We love you brothers and sisters and long for the time when we can worship together again in person! Stay safe and continue your Christ-like ministering, it is noticed and appreciated. Hurrah for Israel!

Your brothers,

President Grasteit
President Benning 
President Payne

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